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Monday, October 27, 2008

Policy, Policy, Policy

The issues are bigger than ever this year, but which is the biggest. The economy, healthcare, taxes? The answer: none of the above. The election this year seems to be centered around theses three issues, but they aren't the most important. In fact, combined they are not the most important. We need to remember foreign policy. Foreign policy is the most important and will always be the most important issue in the United States. Our foreign policy in the next few years will greatly affect the economy which will in turn affect taxes, and healthcare. Much of what we do is affected by our foreign policy.

Is not the time to elect someone who has little foreign policy experience? Absolutely not. Joe Biden has gained experience in foreign policy, but he is not running for president. Barack Obama is. It is no surprise that he doesn't have any foreign policy experience because he has only been in the Senate for two years. Hmmm. Two years in Washington and no foreign policy experience and this guy has a commanding lead in the polls? We need a president who will play hard ball with Ahmadinejad, Chavez, and other anti-American world leaders. Maybe that sounds selfish, but isn't ensuring the betterment of the United States part of the job of being president? We can not afford not negotiate with dangerous leaders who pose a threat to us and our allies. Backing down will only make it worse for the United States. We cannot afford to elect Barack Obama. We must elect John McCain.

8 days until the election.

Give them Control?

The economy is bad but who's to blame? Is George Bush the root of all this terrible home loan business or banks failing? Uh no. Let's look back ten years. The economy was strong, Bill Clinton was our president, and big firms were giving loans to people who were not going to be able to pay them back. Who are they blaming now? That's right George Bush. They are also trying to link the problem to John McCain, a senator who tried to block legislation that would allow companies like Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Sallie Mae, and Freddie Mac to hand out loans like candy in a Memorial Day parade. Now those Democrats who controlled the Senate then and who control it now want to get sixty members in the Senate. They would have almost complete control of the Congress, and would be able to pass legislation without anyone to stop them.

If we are one of those people who believes that this problem stems from events in the last few years then let's not forget that Congress is responsible for the majority of the legislation that effects the country. Who has been in control of Congress since our last midterm election? That's right. The democrats. Now they want complete control? And they think they should be able to get it? Yes and yes. God help us is we give them the majority. For many people, not just conservatives, a Congress run by Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and John Kerry is a scary, scary notion. One party should never have complete control of either branch of Congress and this time in history is a very important one. Let's not let them take over. Let's keep them from gaining too much power.

8 days until the election.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Slow Down

The third and final presidential debate was laced with talk of "Joe the Plumber." Joe is a middle class working man from Ohio that is just like the normal average American. Barack Obama supposedly wants to look out for these people and help them as much as he can, but as whose expense? He wants to raise taxes for the wealthier Americans and small businesses to make up for the loss. He even said "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Redistribution of wealth? Isn't that socialism? The government is taking more of someone's money and giving it to someone else. In essence isn't that what socialism is? Are we giong to let this happen? With Obama leading in the polls by a significant margin this close to election day it looks like we will. Unfortunately for the American people you are now discouraged from living the dream and making lots of money. Wouldn't you rather rise up the economic ladder adn eventually make more money? Of course you would, but Barack Obama has a different idea.

12 days until the election.

Should we Really?

Reports have come out recently that the Republican National Committee spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's wardrobe jewelry etc. So? Shouldn't we be happy that someone who is not a millionaire is running for the second highest office in the country? She is a smart and capable person but is it bad that she does not have the money to spend on things like this? Isn't this saying that she is like us? She will certainly be more in touch with the middle class than any of the other candidates. She has been living a life closer to that of the majority of Americans than Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and yes even John McCain. She is a great asset to the GOP ticket and she adds insight. So should we really care that the RNC spent a great deal of money on our Vice Presidential candidate? The answer: no.

12 days until the election.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Comes Early for Palin

Sarah Palin is an outstanding citizen of these United States. She is living the American dream. She is a mom from a small town who has risen up through the ranks to become a vice presidential candidate, and yet she is so poorly respected by people who should idolize her. At a Philadelphia Flyers hockey game recently she and two of her daughter dropped the puck at the beginning of the game. The music in the arena had to be turned up in order to drown out the ensuing 'boos' of the crowd.

What kind of class are the people who boo a person like this off the ice? Pretty unclassy. Even if you don't like the person why would you boo them? It embarasses them and makes you look like a jerk. Is this what we have come to now? Booing a very respectable woman with her two young children?

14 days until the election.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Time a Billboard for Obama

This week's Time's headline might as well read "Change we can believe in." The cover story is about Barack Obama, three smaller articles are about Barack Obama, the cover picture is of a serious looking Barack Obama. This close to the election this shouldn't be happening. Once again the media is winning the election for the democrats and not the candidate. CNN is projecting an Obama victory, the WB is delaying its release of "Hanoi Hilton" because it might "sway" the voters (in favor of McCain), and even Men's Health magazine has a picture of Obama slapped on the cover. Unfair, unbalanced; not what America needs, not what America deserves.

Get a grip Time you are one of the most respected magazines in the country and quite possibly the world. Don't lose our respect by presenting articles that campaign for a presidential candidate no matter who it is.

16 days until the election.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

GOP Candidates in front of CNN Firing Squad

This article cannot be left alone. The CNN political homepage is once again unfair, unbalanced, and uncalled for. On the heels of the controvercial Gary Trudeau anti-Palin cartoon CNN has pitched in to help. If this is not a liberal bias then what is?

Get a grip CNN. This is not news, this is an editorial cartoon. Something left to the back of the A section in your local newspaper. Report facts not this garbage.

The GOP is blindfolded, the rifles are loaded, and the people at CNN are shooting. If this cartoon is going to be directly on the CNN website then tomorrow a Barack Obama cartoon better be there too.

20 days until the election.


Is Health Care Plan Healthy for our Nation?

TV is riddled with attack ads aimed at John McCain's heath care plan. The news is full of interviews of the average citizen asking about this plan. Apparently they don't know what the plan is, and yet they dare to criticize it.

Let's once again examine Barack Obama's plan. Be wants to give free insurance to all those who cannot afford it. The insurance would be equivalent to that of our United States senators and representitives. Where is this money coming from? Think about it. It comes from us. Our taxes will be increased in order to pay for the poor's insurance costs. Does anyone want to have to pay for someone else's expenses? Absolutely not. Barack Obama is always preaching about how he is going to help the middle class, but the majority of the middle class would not benefit from this plan. They would instead have less money because they are paying for someone else's health care.

John McCain's plan is a bit more complicated but in the end makes much more sense. He will give everyone, repeat EVERYONE, a $5,000 tax credit while taxing health care benefits. For those that do not have health benefits they will be able to then go out and buy their own and for those that do they would have to bill an outrageous amount in order for the tax to exceed $5,000.

Do we need higher taxes right now? Do we want people to have less buying power? The answer to both is easily no. We want everyone to have more money to pump into the economy. Barack Obama's health care plan is not healthy for our country and never will be.

20 days until the election.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Those Meddlin' Kids!

This year the United States can expect an explosive voter turnout. This election is one of the most if not the most important election in our nation's history. The economy is struggling, we are caught in a war on terror, and social security is a wreck. These are all good reasons to go out and vote for whichever candidate you think will do the best job. Without a doubt the outpouring of teen voters on November 4th will have a major impact on the outcome of our presidential election.

Record numbers of young people have registered to vote in the last year. Unfortunately, many young voters do not know the candidates. They will turn out in droves to vote for Barack Obama because he is younger and more charismatic. They only see the TV Barack Obama they do not know the policies that the senator supports or what he will do for this country. Sure he'll change our country, but is it the right change?

Let's urge young voters to think about their choice and not blindly vote for someone who looks better.

Take a look at Abraham Lincoln. He was not an attactive man by any standards, and yet he was one of the best presidents that the country has ever had. Why would we think that Barack Obama would lead the nation better because he looks better? Let's get our nation back on the right track and keep in there by electing John McCain.

21 days until the election.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Is the Race about Race?

This year's race for the presidency is marred by talk of race and gender. Two things not related whatsoever to politics and policy. Let's start out by saying that a qualified and intelligent person from any race or either gender can be a good leader. It is not racist to say that you are not voting for Barack Obama, it is simply the smart choice. Barack Obama's policy will not lead this country in the right direction, case and point. He is an intelligent man and he has done well for himself, but let's keep him in the Senate. We should understand that he is American just like the rest of us and not be scared that he has Muslim roots. He is not a Muslim. He is a Christian just like every other prestident that the United States has had. Do people really think that he will suddenly turn into a radical Jihadist if he gains the presidency? They might, but they are very wrong indeed. If you want a reason not to vote for Obama then look at his Senate voting record and look at his policies; don't look at his face and don't look at his ancestors.

There are also people that believe that because he has an African American father that he will be in constant danger from assassination. Maybe this is true, but this is an awful thought. No matter who the president of the United States it would be a travesty for this person to be assassinated or to be harmed in any way.

Let's think about it. Barack Obama is not the right choice for this country. Not because of his race, not because of his heritage. It's because of his policy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Google Eyed for Obama

Today's newest bias shows that Google, yes Google, is clearly left of moderate. If you happened to enter the Google new website you might have noticed that the second link in the their top stories would take you to a San Jose newspaper article explaining how Barack Obama is clearly the right choice for president. It is a well known fact that the San Fransisco Bay area is one of the most if not the most liberal areas in the country. The constitution does give the people at the newspaper permission to print whatever they want, but the right is not meant to be abused. Furthermore, Google, a trusted website, should not be putting links to newspapers that are clearly partisan.

The news is supposed to report the facts to the public, not opinions. Opinions are things that come out in interviews not in articles written by a reporter. Let's get real. Let's end the bias.

23 days until the election.

Wrong War?

The war in Iraq is a huge issue these days. The majority of the public agrees that it is time to get out of Iraq. Barack Obama agrees with these people. Is it really time to get out? The Middle East is an extremely volatile area. Pakistan cannot control its country even with coalition troops in the area. Iran is an extremely dangerous nation whose president recently gave an adress where he stated that the end of the American empire is near and even threatened our ally Israel. If we leave now, without a stable and self supporting government in place in Iraq, the chances of Iran committing aggressions increases greatly.

Right now the surge is still in effect and is working. We are getting closer every day to making Iraq a strong democratic nation.

Let's not stop now when we are so close. Let's help to ensure Middle Eastern stability by winning the war in Iraq.

22 days until the election.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


This year's presidential campaign as well as any political campaign is riddled with mudslinging. Each candidate advertises their opponent's downfall with slow motion black and white images of him or her walking up the steps of capital hill with a woman's quiet, grave sounding voice narrating. Who isn't swayed by one of these commercials? The answer: no one. If you are supporting the candidate that has approved this commercial you are jumping up out of your chair to cheer, and if you aren't you are even more for your candidate. If you're somewhere in the middle you might see that "Oh maybe this commercial is true." These commercials are very effective and are an easy way to grab a few undecided voters.

If you are like most people the commercial will sway you, and yet you hate it. You hate the commercial and what it is doing. Truly mudslinging is a horrible scar upon our political system. Recently in a McCain rally in Minnesota the senator corrected a woman you referred to Barack Obama as an "Arab." He then continued to quiet the boos of the crowd when he mentioned that he respects Obama and his accomplishments. He went further and said that he wanted everyone to be respectful to senator Obama. Let's take a look:

Isn't this how everyone wants his or her candidate to be? Of course. So, kudos senator McCain.

23 days until the election.

Oh really?

Constantly in hollywood the republican vice presidential nominee comes under fire. She is characterized as inexperienced, overly agressive, and sometimes stupid. Stupid? Really? Does everyone forget that she is the governor of one of our fifty states? Someone that has balanced the budget of a huge revenue making state is stupid? Someone who beat an incumbent governor from her own party and elected by American voters is stupid? Let's take a look:

Who is a hollywood actor to decide who is smart or not? No one. Clearly he has ignored the facts. Listen if you're going to voice your opinion you better be able to back it up with a valid argument.

Let's also look at Governor Palin's experience. Yes, she has only been governor for two years. Yes, before that she was only the mayor of a small town, but is Barack Obama that much more experienced? No. In fact a valid argument might be made that the senator is less experienced than Governor Palin. He has been a senator for as long as Sarah Palin has been governor, but he has been campaigning for eighteen months of that. If anyone is going to argue that Sarah Palin is not experienced enough then he or she should also be talking about how inexperienced Barack Obama is as well. Let's look at history. Ronald Reagan was only a governor, FDR was only a governor, and yet these two men will go down in history as two of the greatest presidents in american history. In fact FDR was only a governor three years before he was elected to our nation's highest office. Let's look at another hollywood figure abusing their position.

Watch CBS Videos Online

We're comparing apples to oranges here. Let's compare Obama to McCain. For Sarah Palin to become president something awful would have to happen first to John McCain. As president of the United States he would have access to the finest health care in the world. The chances that John McCain would die while in office are very slim indeed. John McCain has had 26 years of Washington experience. He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1982 and to the Senate four years later. He knows how things work.

So, really? Sarah Palin is really unqualified? Barack Obama really has enough experience? Really?

23 days until election

Friday, October 10, 2008

NBCing too much Obama.

The liberal media bias has already been discussed, but unfortunately more has come to the forefront. If you are researching any stories on the politics homepage of you will notice a major indicator near the top of your screen:

What is going on here? Two Obama links at the top of the page? Yes. One of them even informs you of where your local voter precinct is located and encourages you to vote for Obama.
24 days until the election.

ACORNs falling from the Trustworthy Tree

Headlines today are laced with news of voter fraud across the midwest. The left wing group ACORN or Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now seeks to bring new voters into our democratic process. This organization targets lower income families, young voters, and minorities. Good, great, stupendous! It is everyone's civic duty to cast his or her vote in our election, and no election is more important than our presidential election. This group should not, however, be allowed to constantly harass and pursue potential voters until they register. It is sometimes so bad that voters register five or six times. The biggest controversy currently taking place is in the key battleground state of Ohio. As of now the the Secretary of State is facing federal charges for not doing enough to prevent voter fraud. In Indianapolis today news sources were reporting a 105% voter registration. ACORN claims to be an unpartisan organization. Why then would the organization target the demographics that primarily float to the left of moderate? The answer is simple: they are coraling votes for Barack Obama. Ohio is especially crucial to Obama's campaign and turning Indiana would ensure an Obama victory. Accusations have also been made against ACORN in the battleground states of Wisconsin and North Carolina.

If organizations like this are to exist we must ensure that they are strictly bipartisan and are run by bipartisan individuals. We cannot allow a voter registration organization to take advantage of our system. This is not the mid 19th century when our political system was corrupt and no one could do much about it. We must have completely 100% honest and fair elections so that the people's voice is heard. We can no longer trust ACORN and its supporters.


Why oh Why?

As the election nears I cannot help notice the atrocities that the left and their friends in the media and hollywood are committing. Let's get one thing straight, I am not, repeat, I am not a supporter of the Bush bailout plan. Words like socialism are being thrown around on the news and these accusations are not far from the truth. We live in a capitalist nation. A nation built on the ideas of Adam Smith. It is not the job of the taxpayers to save a company that handed out loans like candy in a 4th of July parade. It is also not the job of the responsible citizen to have to help out our less responsible countrymen who decided to take out loans when they could not repay them.

Next let's look at Barack Obama. The debate is not that the Senator is a bad or unintelligent man. Let us first examine his tax plan. Obama wants to raise taxes on all businesses including small businesses. Lower taxes stimulate bussiness growth and attract foreign businesses to come to the United States. It is not that CEOs of Fortune 500 companies should not pay their fare share it is that the business itself should be allowed to keep more of its own profits in order to expand, and therefore stimulate our economy. Our economy is in dire need of growth and higher taxes will in no way help us. I come from a town that has a major problem with job loss. A major factory in town sold out to another who then outsourced many of its jobs to Mexico. Last time anyone checked this is not good for our country. With higher taxes this will only become more prevalent.

Healthcare is another major selling point in this year's election. Barack Obama suggests universal health care. He wants to give everyone that does not have and/or cannot afford healthcare the same benefits as members of Congress have. This is money from your pockets! John McCain suggests that we tax healthcare as income and give everyone a $5,000 tax credit. This means extra money for everyone. With income tax rates now you would have to bill an outrageous amount of healthcare expenses for the tax to be more than the credit. This is money that can be spent. More money in the market stimulates the economy. Tell me why that's bad.

Finally, let's examine the media and Hollywood. I watch CNN frequently and I can see the bias. The liberal bias is especially evident when the debates are aired. CNN has this indicator at the bottom of the screen telling the reactions (positive or negative) of a small pool of undecided Ohio voters. If someone keeps their eye on this indicator for the majority of the debate they will notice that when Barack Obama is speaking the indicator is usually high. If you actually listen to the words that he is saying you would realize that he has a pleasant voice that masks the fact that he says almost nothing. What he does say is not the what our country should be doing. By putting this indicator on the screen CNN is distacting the public from what is really going on and possibly swaying thousands of voters. I understand that we have a free media but this is abuse of this right, just like yelling fire in a crowded room when there is no fire is an abuse of freedom of speech.

My problems with CNN do not end here. I watched the debate and I saw that neither candidate did noticably better than the other. The CNN analysts on the other hand said that Obama clearly came out on top. Even one of the Republican analysts said flat out that Obama performed better. Even on the internet CNN is clearly leaning toward the left. Upon entering the CNN political website the first thing that I notice is a large box at the left of the screen providing a link to Obama's homepage. The Washington Post also provides a link to Obama's homepage. The website also contains articles conveying the idea that McCain is "running out of time." If this is not affecting voters then what would? If you are a moderate voter leaning towards McCain and are constantly reading articles about Obama's widening lead in the polls then you might think about not even going to the polls on election day. Recently Obama has spent $1 million to buy thirty minutes of prime time on CBS. Why would anyone think that he is not a big spender? He's spending that much of his own campaign money why wouldn't he spend the nation's money?

Hollywood is just as bad or even worse than our friends at the Post and CNN. The new movie "W." is a travesty for the nation. Anyone that says that George W. Bush has made his fair share of mess ups is right, but this movie is inexcusable. Rumors are already flying that the movie portrays John McCain in a negative fashion. Once again this is abuse of our constitutional freedoms. Madonna was filmed at a concert recently yelling anti-Sarah Palin statements. Tim Robbins was on The Daily Show also speaking against the Republican nominees. Even Barbara Streisand has come out to support Barack Obama. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but they should not use their position to impose their ideas upon the public. This propaganda is imposing upon our free elections.

Report the news not ideals, if you are not a politician keep your political views for your blog and don't scream them at the top of your lungs in front of 80,000 screaming fans.

So I ask the people at CNN, The Washington Post, Barbara, Tim Robbins, and Madonna, why oh why?