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Saturday, October 11, 2008


This year's presidential campaign as well as any political campaign is riddled with mudslinging. Each candidate advertises their opponent's downfall with slow motion black and white images of him or her walking up the steps of capital hill with a woman's quiet, grave sounding voice narrating. Who isn't swayed by one of these commercials? The answer: no one. If you are supporting the candidate that has approved this commercial you are jumping up out of your chair to cheer, and if you aren't you are even more for your candidate. If you're somewhere in the middle you might see that "Oh maybe this commercial is true." These commercials are very effective and are an easy way to grab a few undecided voters.

If you are like most people the commercial will sway you, and yet you hate it. You hate the commercial and what it is doing. Truly mudslinging is a horrible scar upon our political system. Recently in a McCain rally in Minnesota the senator corrected a woman you referred to Barack Obama as an "Arab." He then continued to quiet the boos of the crowd when he mentioned that he respects Obama and his accomplishments. He went further and said that he wanted everyone to be respectful to senator Obama. Let's take a look:

Isn't this how everyone wants his or her candidate to be? Of course. So, kudos senator McCain.

23 days until the election.

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