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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Time a Billboard for Obama

This week's Time's headline might as well read "Change we can believe in." The cover story is about Barack Obama, three smaller articles are about Barack Obama, the cover picture is of a serious looking Barack Obama. This close to the election this shouldn't be happening. Once again the media is winning the election for the democrats and not the candidate. CNN is projecting an Obama victory, the WB is delaying its release of "Hanoi Hilton" because it might "sway" the voters (in favor of McCain), and even Men's Health magazine has a picture of Obama slapped on the cover. Unfair, unbalanced; not what America needs, not what America deserves.

Get a grip Time you are one of the most respected magazines in the country and quite possibly the world. Don't lose our respect by presenting articles that campaign for a presidential candidate no matter who it is.

16 days until the election.

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