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Friday, October 10, 2008

Why oh Why?

As the election nears I cannot help notice the atrocities that the left and their friends in the media and hollywood are committing. Let's get one thing straight, I am not, repeat, I am not a supporter of the Bush bailout plan. Words like socialism are being thrown around on the news and these accusations are not far from the truth. We live in a capitalist nation. A nation built on the ideas of Adam Smith. It is not the job of the taxpayers to save a company that handed out loans like candy in a 4th of July parade. It is also not the job of the responsible citizen to have to help out our less responsible countrymen who decided to take out loans when they could not repay them.

Next let's look at Barack Obama. The debate is not that the Senator is a bad or unintelligent man. Let us first examine his tax plan. Obama wants to raise taxes on all businesses including small businesses. Lower taxes stimulate bussiness growth and attract foreign businesses to come to the United States. It is not that CEOs of Fortune 500 companies should not pay their fare share it is that the business itself should be allowed to keep more of its own profits in order to expand, and therefore stimulate our economy. Our economy is in dire need of growth and higher taxes will in no way help us. I come from a town that has a major problem with job loss. A major factory in town sold out to another who then outsourced many of its jobs to Mexico. Last time anyone checked this is not good for our country. With higher taxes this will only become more prevalent.

Healthcare is another major selling point in this year's election. Barack Obama suggests universal health care. He wants to give everyone that does not have and/or cannot afford healthcare the same benefits as members of Congress have. This is money from your pockets! John McCain suggests that we tax healthcare as income and give everyone a $5,000 tax credit. This means extra money for everyone. With income tax rates now you would have to bill an outrageous amount of healthcare expenses for the tax to be more than the credit. This is money that can be spent. More money in the market stimulates the economy. Tell me why that's bad.

Finally, let's examine the media and Hollywood. I watch CNN frequently and I can see the bias. The liberal bias is especially evident when the debates are aired. CNN has this indicator at the bottom of the screen telling the reactions (positive or negative) of a small pool of undecided Ohio voters. If someone keeps their eye on this indicator for the majority of the debate they will notice that when Barack Obama is speaking the indicator is usually high. If you actually listen to the words that he is saying you would realize that he has a pleasant voice that masks the fact that he says almost nothing. What he does say is not the what our country should be doing. By putting this indicator on the screen CNN is distacting the public from what is really going on and possibly swaying thousands of voters. I understand that we have a free media but this is abuse of this right, just like yelling fire in a crowded room when there is no fire is an abuse of freedom of speech.

My problems with CNN do not end here. I watched the debate and I saw that neither candidate did noticably better than the other. The CNN analysts on the other hand said that Obama clearly came out on top. Even one of the Republican analysts said flat out that Obama performed better. Even on the internet CNN is clearly leaning toward the left. Upon entering the CNN political website the first thing that I notice is a large box at the left of the screen providing a link to Obama's homepage. The Washington Post also provides a link to Obama's homepage. The website also contains articles conveying the idea that McCain is "running out of time." If this is not affecting voters then what would? If you are a moderate voter leaning towards McCain and are constantly reading articles about Obama's widening lead in the polls then you might think about not even going to the polls on election day. Recently Obama has spent $1 million to buy thirty minutes of prime time on CBS. Why would anyone think that he is not a big spender? He's spending that much of his own campaign money why wouldn't he spend the nation's money?

Hollywood is just as bad or even worse than our friends at the Post and CNN. The new movie "W." is a travesty for the nation. Anyone that says that George W. Bush has made his fair share of mess ups is right, but this movie is inexcusable. Rumors are already flying that the movie portrays John McCain in a negative fashion. Once again this is abuse of our constitutional freedoms. Madonna was filmed at a concert recently yelling anti-Sarah Palin statements. Tim Robbins was on The Daily Show also speaking against the Republican nominees. Even Barbara Streisand has come out to support Barack Obama. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but they should not use their position to impose their ideas upon the public. This propaganda is imposing upon our free elections.

Report the news not ideals, if you are not a politician keep your political views for your blog and don't scream them at the top of your lungs in front of 80,000 screaming fans.

So I ask the people at CNN, The Washington Post, Barbara, Tim Robbins, and Madonna, why oh why?


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